MCRO By-Laws:




(Adopted July 2, 2024)


Section 1: Name...................................................................................................................2

Section 2: Purpose...............................................................................................................2

Section 3: Members.............................................................................................................2

Section 4: Officers and Their Election................................................................................3

Section 5: Duties of Officers...............................................................................................4

Section 6: Meetings.............................................................................................................5

Section 7: Screening Committee and County Convention..................................................5

Section 8: Procedure............................................................................................................8

Section 9: Code of Ethics....................................................................................................8

Section 10: Certified County Republican Clubs..................................................................9

Section 11: Emergencies....................................................................................................11

Section 12: Adoption and Amendment..............................................................................11

Section 1: Name


a) The name of this organization shall be the "Middlesex County Republican

Committee", hereafter referred to as the "Committee" and the Committee

may also use the name “Middlesex County Republican Organization”.

Section 2: Purpose

a) The purpose of this Committee shall be to espouse the principles and

platform of the Republican Party.

b) This Committee shall represent the Republican Party of Middlesex County

regarding views and policies of the party concerning issues and problems

in government of Middlesex County, the State of New Jersey and the

United States of America.

c) This Committee supports the concept of open conventions in order to

encourage all qualified individuals to seek public office.

d) This Committee shall support and direct the campaign of Republican

candidates in the general election for the three above named levels of

government. Such support and direction shall be coordinated with

campaigns for local candidates in municipalities of Middlesex County

which have local elections.

Section 3: Members

a) The voting members of this Committee shall be duly certified Republican

County Committee members as prescribed in Title 19, who may be

elected or appointed regardless of gender.

b) Commencing in 2024, Republican County Committee members shall be

elected for two-year terms in even numbered years.

c) The non–voting members shall be the State Committeeman, State

Committeewoman, Presidents of Certified County Republican Clubs, (as

herein defined in Section 10), all Municipal Chairmen, all elected

Republican officials from Middlesex County, and officers of the Committee

who are not members of the Committee.

d) Those members designated in Section 3(c) as well as all Committee

officers who are members of the Committee, shall meet at the call of the

Committee Chairman to act as an Advisory Board in party policy. The

Chairman shall have the privilege of inviting to any such meetings other

persons such as chairmen of committees, Republican candidates or

Republican experts on pending actions.


Section 4: Officers and Their Election

a) Officers of the Committee shall consist of the County Chairman, First Vice

Chairman, Second Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be

elected as a slate. The Executive Board of the Committee shall consist of

all of the elected officers and the two Republican members of the New

Jersey Republican State Committee representing Middlesex County.

b) In order to run for election as officers of the Committee, a representative

of a slate of candidates must notify the outgoing County Chairman, in

writing, on or before the Friday following the Primary Election, that the

slate intends to run for the Committee offices. In the event that two or

more slates of candidates so notify the outgoing County Chairman of their

intention to run, then voting machines shall be used.

c) In any election where there are more than two slates running for the

offices, the winning slate shall be the one receiving more than 50% of the

votes cast. If none of the slates receive more than 50% of the votes on

the first ballot, another ballot shall be taken between the two slates

receiving the highest number of votes on the first ballot.

d) Each slate which is nominated may appoint one challenger for each


e) In the event of a contest, the order of the slates on the ballot shall be

determined by a drawing held promptly after the deadline for the

notification to the Chairman that a slate of candidates intends to run for

the Committee offices.

f) Election of officers shall be supervised by Republican members of the

Middlesex County Board of Elections.

Section 5: Duties of Officers


a) The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and shall be responsible for

the direction of the Committee.

i. The Chairman shall designate, on or before January 31 of each

year, a campaign treasurer and a campaign depository, and shall

file the name and address thereof with the Election Law

Enforcement Commission. He may appoint chairmen of the

following standing committees: public relations, finance, activities,

registration, political action, vacancies and platform. He may also

appoint a five member ethical standards committee, (the chairman

to be elected from the membership) for the purpose of

administering a code of ethics and reviewing and disposing of all

matters pertaining thereto. He may appoint chairmen and

members of any other committees which he deems necessary, and

he shall be a member of any and all committees except the ethical

standards committee.

ii. The Chairman shall call all meetings of the Committee and he shall

instruct the Secretary to send notices of same.

b) The First Vice Chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman and

shall serve in his place in the event of a vacancy of the office of the

Chairman until a new Chairman shall have been elected. In the absence

of both the Chairman and the First Vice Chairman, the Second Vice

Chairman shall assume such duties. Both Vice Chairmen shall assist the

Chairman in the performance of his duties. In the event of a vacancy in

any other officer position, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement

who shall serve until the next Committee reorganization meeting.

c) The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting of the Committee

and shall keep permanent records of same.

d) The Treasurer shall have custody of all Committee funds, shall maintain

regular accounts thereof and shall report on same at each Committee

meeting and at any additional time that he is requested to do so by the

Chairman. Committee funds shall be deposited at a bank to be

designated by the Chairman. Funds are to be withdrawn only by checks

signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman or otherwise

disbursed by the Treasurer with the approval of the Chairman as to each

such disbursement. The Treasurer shall timely file with the Election Law

Enforcement Commission such reports as may be required by “The New

Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act", New

Jersey Statutes 19:44A–1 et seq. The Treasurer's report shall be audited

by a qualified person, or persons designated by the Chairman. Such audit

shall be conducted during the month proceeding the annual meeting

month each year and the results of same shall be reported each year at

the annual convention. An audit must precede any change in the office of

the Treasurer.


Section 6: Meetings

a) The Chairman may call meetings of the Committee for any purpose which

in his judgment requires such a meeting.

b) The notice for the reorganization meeting shall be according to the

provisions of Title 19.

c) The Chairman shall call a special meeting of the Committee upon his

direction to do so by a petition signed by at least 150 members of the

Committee and presented to the Chairman at least 20 days prior to the

date of such meeting. Said petition and notices shall contain the purpose

of the meeting and no other business shall be discussed at said meeting.

d) Notice of all Committee meetings shall be mailed or e-mailed by the

Secretary at least ten days prior to the meeting date, or in the event of a

notice for the reorganization meeting, as soon after the completion of the

primary election voting as possible.

Section 7: Screening Committee and County Convention

a) Screening Committee:

i. Members of the Screening Committee shall be the County

Chairman, County First Vice Chairman, County Second Vice

Chairman, County Secretary, County Treasurer, State

Committeeman, State Committeewoman and all elected County,

State and National Republican officials from Middlesex County,

Municipal Chairmen and Presidents of Certified County Republican

Clubs, Municipal Chairmen or their representatives from affected

municipalities outside Middlesex County, Republican members of

the Board of Elections and bonus members as described hereafter.

Middlesex County municipalities shall have bonus members on the

Screening Committee based upon the Republican County

Commissioner vote of the proceeding general election, based on

the following formula:

1 Bonus Vote: 1,000–4,999

2 Bonus Votes: 5,000–7,999

3 Bonus Votes: 8,000–10,999

4 Bonus Votes: 11,000 or more.

Bonus votes are to be selected by the County Chairman based upon the

recommendations from the affected Municipal Committee.

ii. In order to appear before the Screening Committee, a candidate

wishing to be screened shall be required to notify the County


Chairman, in writing, at least one week before the date of the

scheduled Screening Committee meeting and complete and

provide to the County Chairman, a candidate questionnaire on a

form as may be provided by the Executive Board, no later than two

days prior to the date of the scheduled Screening Committee. One

or both of these requirements may only be waived by a majority

vote of the Executive Board.

iii. The Screening Committee shall make recommendation to the

county convention for candidates, not necessarily limited to one per

ballot position.

iv. Those candidates receiving a two-thirds vote of the Screening

Committee shall be recommended to the County Convention.

When no candidate receives a two-thirds vote, the Screening

Committee shall, on each ballot, drop all candidates who do not

receive votes from at least 15% of the members of the Screening

Committee present and voting, or the lowest vote getter, in the

event each candidate received such 15% percent, until a candidate

receives a two-thirds vote or until two candidates for each ballot

position remain, both of whom shall be presented to the county


v. Screening Committee members shall only be permitted to vote for

candidates who will be on the ballot in their respective

municipalities. This provision shall not apply to the County

Chairman, County First Vice Chairman, County Second Vice

Chairman, County Secretary, County Treasurer, State

Committeeman, State Committeewoman, Republican members of

the Board of Elections and Presidents of Certified County

Republican Clubs.

b) County Convention:

i. The County Chairman shall be convention chairman and shall

appoint tellers, sergeant–at–arms, parliamentarians and others

necessary for the proper function of the Convention.

ii. All convention delegates must be registered Republicans.

iii. Convention delegates will be certified by their respective Municipal

Chairman to the credentials committee by noon at last 10 days prior

to the day of the convention. Procedures adopted by the Municipal

Committee for recruiting excess delegates must accompany the

certified list. Appeals may be heard within 5 days of submission of

the certified list.


iv. Votes for legislative district candidates will be cast by those

delegates from those municipalities comprising the district.

Additionally, one vote each may be cast by the County Chairman,

County First Vice Chairman, County Second Vice Chairman,

Secretary, Treasurer, State Committeeman, State

Committeewoman, Board of Election Commissioners and by any

elected County official who resides in that district. These shall be

known as "at–large" votes.

v. Votes for county–wide candidates will be cast by the delegates

from all 25 municipalities. Additionally, at–large votes (one each)

may be cast by the County Chairman, County First Vice Chairman,

County Second Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, State

Committeeman, State Committeewoman, Board of Election

Commissioners, and any elected County official.

vi. Each candidate for office, or his duly appointed agent, wishing

support of the County Convention must appear and request support

at the convention. This includes all incumbents. The County

Chairman must be notified of the candidate's intention one week

before the convention. Nominations to offices may be offered from

the floor, without prior notice to the Chairman, if the potential

candidate presents a petition to the Chairman containing the names

of at least 25% of the registered delegates.

vii. The Screening Committee shall report to the Convention.

viii. Ballot procedures:

i. Each Municipal Chairman will cast the vote of his delegation

in direct proportion to the vote present within his delegation.

No unit rule will be permitted. No delegate will cast more

than one vote. No bullet voting will be allowed.

ii. On the first ballot a simple majority vote for any candidate

wins. A candidate is dropped who does not receive the

following percentage of the total vote:

Ballot #1 20%

Ballot #2 25%

Ballot #3 30% and up by 5% on each ballot.

iii. On multiple offices, after the first candidate is selected, each

originally nominated candidate is eligible to re–enter the race

for the next ballot position (for next candidate position).

iv. In the event of a deadlock (defined as 3 successive ballots

with no change in vote) the lowest candidate is dropped.


ix. A quorum shall be a majority of the certified delegates present.

x. The convention rules shall be deemed adopted by the convention

unless a majority of the registered delegates object in writing to the

rules chairman at least 5 days prior to the convention.

xi. The latest revision available of Robert's Rules of Order will be the

parliamentary authority on rules not governed by law, bylaws or

rules adopted by the convention committee.

Section 8: Procedure

a) This Committee shall act in all matters provided for in Title 19 and the New

Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act,

according to same, to the extent required by law. In matters neither

provided for in Title 19 nor prescribed in these bylaws, the latest revision

available of Robert's Rules of Order shall prevail.

Section 9: Code of Ethics

a) In order to maintain public confidence in Republican principles and in

elected and appointed officials, the Committee feels duty–bound to

establish a set of guidelines (a Code of Ethics) to help direct the activities

of its candidates, office holders and leadership.

i. Conflict of Interest: In order to ensure fairness and objectivity,

elected or appointed officials shall not participate, by either word or

action, in any governmental transaction involving a firm,

organization or other entity in which he, his spouse, his child or

relative by blood or marriage is an officer, director, trustee, partner,

employee, or has a substantial economic interest.

ii. Indictments: No candidate for election or re–election who has been

indicted by a grand jury shall receive the endorsement of the

Committee or the line designation in a primary election of the

Middlesex County Republican Organization, except if such

candidate shall be found "not guilty". Financial and other support

shall be withheld from any Republican candidate indicted after

receiving the party's nomination. In addition, any elected or

appointed public official indicted while in office shall be expected to

move for a speedy trial.

iii. Misuse of Influence: No Republican officeholder or candidate shall

accept or solicit, either directly or through some other person, firm,

organization or entity, any gift, favor, service, employment, or

promise of anything of economic or personal value which can be


reasonably expected to be offered with intent to influence his public

duties or vote on some governmental business.

iv. Accessibility to the Public: All elected officeholders are expected to

encourage and adhere to the concept of public accessibility by

setting and publicizing specific hours and locations when and

where they will make themselves available for consultation with

their constituency. Office holders are also expected to have listed

telephone numbers in each telephone directory book covering their


v. Improper Use of Office: All Republican officeholders will be

expected to utilize the utmost discretion and consideration

regarding the privileges and accoutrements of their office.

Section 10: Certified County Republican Clubs

a) The Committee, in the manner as hereinafter set forth, shall certify and/or

recertify Republican Clubs based in Middlesex County as "Certified

County Republican Clubs", for the purpose of determining which such

clubs are entitled to participate and/or vote at various activities of the


b) Requirements and Guidelines for Certification:

i. The following criteria shall be used to determine if a club should be

certified or recertified as a "Certified County Republican Club":

ii. The club's membership must be open countywide, with members

coming from at least 5 different Middlesex County municipalities

and with no more than 75% of the membership coming from any

one Middlesex County municipality.

iii. The club must have at least 25 dues paid members at the time of

each annual certification. To be counted for certification purposes,

members may not be included for certification purposes as

members of any other club seeking certification or recertification.

(For purposes of certification, a membership roster is to be

submitted to the Executive Board but is not to be circulated further.)

iv. The club must consist of registered Republican voters.

v. The club must have been in existence for at least the two year

period prior to the time the club applies for its annual certification.


vi. The club must hold public functions and/or meetings at least 6

times a year, with notification or event calendar of same given to

the Committee in advance.

vii. The club should have a representative/liaison who regularly attends

the meetings of the Committee and the Committee's periodic,

usually monthly, Advisory Board meetings.

viii. The club should not duplicate the function of a presently certified

club, provided such presently certified club requests, qualifies for,

and obtains, recertification.

c) Method of Certification or Recertification:

i. A club which feels it meets the requirements and guidelines for

certification shall forward its written request for certification,

containing appropriate proof of its qualifications, to the Secretary of

the Committee no later than October 1st prior to the calendar year

for which it seeks certification or recertification. A club must submit

a request for recertification annually.

ii. The Executive Board shall review and make the initial

determination as to whether or not a club has met the necessary

criteria for certification or recertification for the subsequent calendar


iii. If the Executive Board feels that a club has not met the criteria, or if

it appears to the Executive Board that the club duplicates in some

way the function of another previously certified club, the Executive

Board may deny the club certification for the subsequent calendar

year. In the event that two clubs with duplicate functions both apply

for certification, and neither one is presently certified, the Executive

Board shall give preference to the club with a longer active tenure.

iv. Notice of the determination of the Executive Board shall be given to

the effected clubs by no later than Nov 1st.

v. In the event a club is denied certification for the subsequent

calendar year, it may appeal the denial at the following meeting of

the Advisory Board of the Committee, on prior written notice to the

Executive Board, to the Committee's Counsel, and to each of the

25 Municipal Chairmen. If such an appeal is made from the

certification decision of the Officers of the Committee, an affirmative

vote, by secret ballot, of at least 13 municipal chairmen shall be

required for certification or recertification.


Section 11: Emergencies

a) In the event the State of New Jersey declares a state of emergency or

other laws, regulations or orders are in place which would preclude the

compliance with any of the terms or provisions of these bylaws, the

Chairman may modify them during such period as he or she may deem

necessary, subject to the agreement of a majority of the Executive Board.

b) In the event any candidate or candidates to be selected at a County

Convention, as referenced above, are not selected at such Convention, for

any reason, the County Chairman shall have the right to select a

candidate to fill such position, subject to the approval of a majority of the

Executive Board.

c) In the event that at any time there are no functioning members of the

Republican County Committee from a municipality, then the Executive

Board may appoint one or more Republican County Committee members

in election districts in that municipality who otherwise qualify to fill such


Section 12: Adoption and Amendment

a) These bylaws shall take effect immediately upon adoption by a majority of

Committee members voting on same at a Committee meeting.

b) These bylaws may be amended by a two–thirds vote of Committee

members voting on same, provided that said amendment shall have been

submitted to the County Chairman and Committee in writing.

c) Should any provision of these bylaws be ruled invalid, all other provisions

shall stand.

Revised on July 2, 2024